I may have been some pathetic, insecure mess after the party, but do not mistake that for me being a pushover. Because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore.那次派对后,我也许是有些可悲、脆弱,但你不要以为那样我就很好惹,因为我再也不会和你们这些男人纠缠了。——《吸血鬼日记》第一季第九集
Midway through the first season, Caroline already started to realize that you don't need a guy's approval to have self-satisfaction. Yes, you can still get upset and hurt by them, but as long as you know when it's time to move on, let it go, or just brush their stupid actions off, that's what matters.在《吸血鬼日记》第一季剧情播到中间部分的时候,Caroline开始意识到一个人的自我满足感其实是不需要通过男人来展示的。你可以继续因为他们不开心或是被他们伤害,但是只要到了你觉得该放下的时候,那就让这段感情过去吧。让那些男人继续2下去吧,因为那个时候他们做什么已经与你无关了。明白这个道理最重要。